Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Math Teacher at YVHS Passes Away

Sadly, our friend and MDEA representative, Carmel Westcoat passed away over the weekend. Carmel was a wonderful friend and could always be relied on to not only listen, but to share her insight without hesitation. Carmel was an inspiration to me through her dedication to both students and teachers.

Besides missing a friend, teachers have also been struggling to fill in the gaping whole of all that Carmel did. She was an integral part of the math department, running the CAHSEE math prep for YVHS students, doing after school tutoring, and organizing summer math programs for students with DVC.

Carmel will always be loved and missed.

Below is a link to her obituary in the Contra Costa Times, along with details of the funeral service this Friday, February 25th.


Anonymous said...

I had Mrs. Westcoat back in 2001 as a Math Teacher. Although she was tough and sometimes a strict teacher. She would try to get the best out of her students, always pushing to get a better answer and try to make you understand a particular math problem. For that I truly appreciate from her. I am saddened by the loss of her and my wishes go out to her family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I started with Carmel at Ygnacio Valley back in the early 2000's I remember her being direct, enthusiastic, and caring. I felt that she came to YV to truly make a difference at school that needed it. She became integral part of the superb math department. As YV saw more and more excellent math teachers retire, Carmel carried that tradition forward and continued to help my YV's math department the best in the district. She touched many and will be deeply missed in the MDUSD community.

Sean Kwirant, Science
YV Warrior 2002 - 2005